Creating virtual portal using Portal Configuration Task

You can create a new virtual portal using portal configuration task, Follow these steps to create a new virtual portal.

  • Open /wp_profile/ConfigEngine/config/helpers/ file in the text editor and modify it like this

    # VirtualPortalTitle: Title of the Virtual Portal
    VirtualPortalTitle=Test Changed title

    # VirtualPortalRealm: Realm of the Virtual Portal

    # VirtualPortalHost: Hostname of the Virtual Portal

    # VirtualPortalContext: Context of the Virtual Portal

    # VirtualPortalNlsFile: File which contains language specific information for the Virtual Portal

    # VirtualPortalObjectId: ObjectId of the Virtual Portal
    # The ObjectId is needed to modify, delete Virtual Portals and
    # can be obtained by running task list-all-virtual-portals
    # Note: Do not delete the default Virtual Portal (ObjectId ends with _0)

    I am creating a new virtual portal with portalcontext = test2.

  • Execute the following configuration task

    ./ -DparentProperties=/software/IBM/WebSphere/wp_profile/ConfigEngine/config/helpers/ create-virtual-portal

It will create a virtual portal for you, now you can logout and login back into portal and you should be able to see newly created virtual portal

If you dont want to use the helper files then you can also specify all the required properties on command line like this

./ create-virtual-portal -DVirtualPortalTitle=TestWPCert -DVirtualPortalRealm=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm -DVirtualPortalContext=testwpcert

Note:The task creates the virtual portal itself, but it does not create any default content for the virtual portal or grant any access permissions to the virtual portal administrators. You need to perform these tasks separately after creating the virtual portal, for example by using the XML configuration interface.

When you create a virtual portal using Manage Virtual Portal portlet it will also populate the newly created virtual portal using the xmlaccess file that you specified