Identify the differences and advantages between the portal scripting interface and XMLAccess

The Portal Server provides two tools to automate the administrative tasks. One is XMLAccess and other is Portal Scripting interface. Remember these differences when your deciding on which tool to use.

  • Most important difference is that when you execute the XMLAccess script it will work with Super administrative user identity so no access check would be done. But when you execute the WPScript it will run with executing users identity.

  • The XMLAccess script can only work with portal resources such as pages, portlets, URL,..etch. Whereas the Portal Scripting interface is nothing but wsadmin script with some additional portal related beans. SO you can use it to administer both WebSphere Application Server and Portal Server related resource.

  • Only one user can run xmlaccess at particular point of time. If more than one user tries to execute xmlaccess simultaneously it throws exception. Where as more than one user can use Portal Scripting interface at the same time without interfering with each others work

  • You can use xmlaccess script to perform administration remotely using HTTP Connection where as wpscript works locally on SOAP port.

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